If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please contact one of the following members of our executive:
Vincent Bull, President
Tel: (519) 994-1445
Email: vince.bull@gmail.com
Dwight Romans, Vice President
Tel: (226) 201-0705
Email: dwightromans@gmail.com
Bryce Dagg, 2nd Vice President
Tel: (519) 731-1850
Email: thedaggz@gmail.com
Reanne Miller, Secretary & Treasurer
Home: (519) 821-3013
Email: reannemiller1945@gmail.com
Frank Cecchetto, Interpreter
Cell: (226) 979-2494
Email: f.cecchetto@hotmail.com
Vince Bull, Assignor
Tel: C(519) 994-1445
Email: guelph.basketball.assignor@gmail.com